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Lyrics Peste – Lycée | New Today Lyrics

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Peste – Lycée
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The fucking high school is bad
Motherfucker detention
We’re not in Breaking Bad
I don’t like that, because there are bad bitch

It’s a high school of bitch
It’s a canteen of uh… I don’t know ( really ? )
Okay, sorry we will start the real rap
The teacher are whore
Fuck, fuck, fuck the students

The English teacher want to fuck we
The math teacher don’t know write, hee-hee ( don’t )
The science teacher is a big-hee ( bitch )
The French teacher is vеry old, we see her skelеtony
In reality, the teacher are really poor, chi-chi

With my friends, we fuck the high school
The ESA like a ghoul
My old friend listen Eminem
And thanks, because I do that because of him

I don’t have attention of come back here
Yeah, motherfucker, I’m like a tigir ( tiger )
Hey, the high school is shit, there are only TeddyBear

The English teacher want to fuck we
The math teacher don’t know write, hee-hee ( don’t )
The science teacher is a big-hee ( bitch )
The French teacher is very old, we see her skeletony
In reality, the teacher are really poor, chi-chi

The English teacher want to fuck we
The math teacher don’t know write, hee-hee ( don’t )
The science teacher is a big-hee ( bitch )
The French teacher is very old, we see her skeletony 

More Peste lyrics

Peste – Lycée | Lyrics
The fucking high school is bad Motherfucker detention We’re not in Breaking Bad I don’t like that, because there are bad bitch It’s a high school of bitch

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