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Julia Ecklar – Homecoming Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

Are you searching for Julia Ecklar – Homecoming Lyrics? Would you like to see this lyrics? If that’s the case, then you can watch it right here.

View Julia Ecklar – Homecoming Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

Stars… before my eyes
They still accord within me what I thought had died
Below me sleeps a planet that I called home for years
It paves from view
I made my tears of joy

I see my love
Her song of freedom touches me and I return her call
Her starred-ride(?) beauty tells a tale of courage and of tears
I’m coming home again from years alone
But why this fear inside of me of what I’ll see and say
The past three years I live each moment for this day
The call so strong it wakes me from my sleep and makes me cry

I must return to space again before too long or die

I have come home
The faces here are different while the same as long before
The power swells beneath me as the years all fall away
And for moments there is nothing we can say

And stars… before my eyes
A single more year earthbound and I’m sure I would have died
I’ll call no planet home again for that would be a lie
We’ll sail our sea eternally—my starred-ride(?) love and I

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