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Lyrics Chewbockie – Leyak | New Today Lyrics

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Chewbockie – Leyak
lyrics? Would you like to see this lyrics? If that’s the case, then you can watch it right here.

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Chewbockie – Leyak
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What the hell?


(sick music)

(mouse clicks)
Lets go

Bro you know how your doing the slow ufo bro i thought you were going too start having a seziure from

Oh my god you beat leyak no wayyyyy

You beat leyak? your ready for digital descent tomorrow ahahahaha

Now i have a hour and a half too play


More Chewbockie lyrics

Chewbockie – Leyak | Lyrics
What the hell? Ok (sick music) (mouse clicks) Lets go Nice Bro you know how your doing the slow ufo bro i thought you were going too start having

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Chewbockie – Leyak
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Chewbockie – Leyak
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