Ava Max – My Head & My Heart [Official Music Video] – Top nhạc thịnh hành hiện nay.

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Ava Max – My Head & My Heart [Official Music Video] | Top những bài hát hay nhất.

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“My Head & My Heart” Available Now

Director: Cham La’Donna and Emil Nava
Executive Producer Kirsten Arongino
Head of Production Ryan Palmieri
Producer : Seth Levin
Choreography: Charm La’Donna
Director of Photography: Ross Richardson
Editor: Jen Kennedy
Colorist: Aubry Woodwiss
Beauty Work: Nick Gregorio

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 Ava Max - My Head & My Heart [Official Music Video] tại Xemloibaihat.com
Ava Max – My Head & My Heart [Official Music Video]

Tag liên quan đế chủ đề Ava Max – My Head & My Heart [Official Music Video].

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33 thoughts on “Ava Max – My Head & My Heart [Official Music Video] – Top nhạc thịnh hành hiện nay.

  1. Coolnam super says:

    Nooo, the thing i always liked about her songs specifically so am I made me think she's so unique and isn't you know inappropriate I guess not her songs good but it upset me.

  2. Valérie Cloutier says:

    Dommage qu'elle reprenne les mélodie des tonnes déjà existantes parce que ca musique est bonne mais malheureusement c'est une copieuse. J'espère qu'elle paye des frais d'auteurs. Elle n'est pas du tout unique c'est triste

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