Avril Lavigne – Head Above Water (Don't let me drown) [Lyrics] – Lyrics new.

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Avril Lavigne – Head Above Water (Don't let me drown) [Lyrics] | See Lyrics free.

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Avril Lavigne – Head Above Water (Don’t let me drown) [Lyrics] Turn on the bell to be the first to listen to new music! 🙂 Connect with Me …

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40 thoughts on “Avril Lavigne – Head Above Water (Don't let me drown) [Lyrics] – Lyrics new.

  1. Estrella Ibanez says:

    Every time I hear this song my heart sinks I just miss hearing her voice such a beautiful song I wish she were still here So she can do more of these songs In times that we need them most And I think everybody can hear her voice in our hearts forever So God keep my head above water

  2. Sadandhappystorysdotcom says:

    You don’t even know how much this song means to me. It reminds me of my friend that I’m trying to get saved. And when it goes to the main part of the song, I replace the words my and me to him or he, thinking of him and almost makes me cry. Please everyone pray for him. It would mean a lot. 😭🙏

  3. lunalovegood 🥰🥰 says:

    Nice song 😭 It make emotional .🥰🥺 I love this song .♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ . Good keep my head above water.🥰😘😘😘😘😘😁🥺☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  4. Mariahs Magic says:

    this is for you ↓

    You are beautiful.

    You are wanted.

    You are wonderful.

    Don't quit on yourself. Don't hurt yourself. You are worth the world and nobody wants to see you suffering. This is not the end. The way you feel right now will pass. People's minds will change. Things will get better.

    We love you and are always here for you. Do not do something permanent over something temporary.

    You're better than that.

    All stars need to see darkness before the light.

    And always remember, don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will find and love the real you.








    Engage in the

    Right ways

    Now read the first letter of every word

    You matter! no matter what other people may say. Always know this is true. It helps. You are worth my time to write this. I do care. Continue on – be a soldier. Fight that war. Because you can. I believe in you. I'm rooting for you! Good luck!

    Please pass this on to other videos! ♡♡

    P.S. This isn't mine and I just found it in another video. Just want to share this to all of you 🙂

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