AZLYRICS.COM.AZ | Raven – Attitude Lyrics | New Today Lyrics

Are you searching for AZLYRICS.COM.AZ | Raven – Attitude Lyrics? Would you like to see this lyrics? If that’s the case, then you can watch it right here.

View AZLYRICS.COM.AZ | Raven – Attitude Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

Got nothing to give
nothing to take
everything I am I know
that you’d break
stare into my eyes
and hear what I say
looking for trouble
you found it today

Got my attitude in front of you
got my attitude right in your face
and there’s nothing
you can try to do
got my attitude
and you can’t hold me down
can’t hold me down

I heard the tall tales
I’ve seen the show
said that they suck
just cos you blow
stood on my two feet
and held my head high
rose out the dirt
and reached for the sky

Got my attitude in front of you

got my attitude right in your face
and there’s nothing
you can try to do
got my attitude
and you can’t hold me down
can’t hold me down

You got your reasons
you got your rhymes
changing them daily
I can’t count the times
listen to me and
you’ll know who I am
doing it my way because I can

Got my attitude in front of you
got my attitude right in your face
and there’s nothing
you can try to do
got my attitude
and you can’t hold me down
can’t hold me down
can’t hold me down

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