Captain Ska – Blood On Your Hands Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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[Verse 1] You ignored science, you ignored warnings
You ignored meetings, thought they were boring
You thought that Covid was just a story
It’s scandalous

Shaking hands with the community
Pinning your hopes on herd immunity
Doctors and nurses with no PPE
A catastrophe –
Caused by stupidity

[Chorus] Blood on your hands
Got blood on your hands
Blood on your hands
Yeah, you’ve got blood on your hands

[Verse 2] You didn’t close our schools or borders
‘Eat Out to Help Out’ was the order
Key workers sent out – like lambs to slaughter
It’s hideous

Twenty-billion on Track and Trace
Barnard Castle, such a big disgrace
Too busy working on saving face
[Boris Johnson sample: “You’re”] a waste of space –
It’s you we must replace

[Chorus] Blood on your hands
(They’ve got blood on their…)
You’ve got blood on your hands
(You’ve got blood on your hands)

Blood on your hands
(You’ve got blood…)
Yeah, you’ve got blood on your hands

[Verse 3] A hundred thousand, dead and dying
In isolation – their families crying
Still, you won’t stop spinning and lying
It’s villainous

One year of failure, one year of shame
One year of arrogance and passing blame
History won’t forget your name
This is not a game –
We’re gonna end your reign!

[Chorus] Blood on your hands
(They’ve got blood on their…)
Yeah, you’ve got blood on your hands
(Oh, you’ve got blood on your hands!)
Blood on your hands
(Yeah, you’ve got blood on your…)
Yeah, you’ve got blood on your hands
(You’ve got blood on your hands)

Blood on your hands
You’ve got blood on your hands
Blood on your hands
Yeah, you’ve got blood on your hands

(Everybody sing it!)

Blood on your hands…


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