Defyance – Where Are You Now Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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Where are you now
Her memory fades
When I think about her
It’s hard to see her face

Here without her touch
It’s hard to take
How I long to hold her
And feel her warm embrace

But there are times
She waits alone at night
And wonders how long
It will rain
And there are nights she
feels the cold
Can I stop her pain

Where are you now
Her love it seems so far away
Lonely candle burns
A distant flame
Where are you now
It’s hard to face another day
Darkness all around
I hope and pray
Her love will light my way

One more day ’til home

How I hope she waits
As the shadows lengthen
Across the desert plains
Memories haunt my heart
With every song that plays
As the colors of the sunset
Slowly fade

And the stars they
Burn a gleaming light
Dancing across the sky
And her love pulls on
My heart just like the
Moon on the tide

Where are you now
Her love it seems so far away
Lonely candle burns
A distant flame
Where are you now
It’s hard to face another day
Darkness all around
I hope and pray
Her love still lights my way

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