Easy Life – Skeletons Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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[Verse 1] Skeletons
I’ve been going out of my mind
‘Cause you’re giving way too much adrenaline, hold the line
I heard a little bump in the night
Although it’s good on paper
On occasion we collide (we collide)

[Pre-Chorus] I’m finding it hard to pass the time, without you (skeletons)
You spell it all out in black and white, I’m down

[Chorus] You’ve got something dark that I like
But I can’t quite put my pinkie on it
Got a good appetite for a bad reputation

[Post-Chorus] But I don’t wanna be just another one of your (skeletons)
Six feet deep like (skeletons)
Could’ve been so sweet but (skеletons)
Fasten your seatbеlts, call the police when I start to believe it (skeletons)
Everybody round here’s got (skeletons)
Everybody round here’s got (skeletons)
One at a time they all appear

[Verse 2] Your cards close to your chest (chest)

You tell me it’s all for the best (best)
Just rumours, from losers
What I don’t know can’t hurt me I guess
I feel the need to question your past
Like how many exes you’ve had
Our future’s all kombucha
But we never trust the weather forecast

[Pre-Chorus] I’m finding it hard to pass the time, without you (skeletons)
You spell it all out in black and white, I’m down

[Chorus] You’ve got something dark that I like
But I can’t quite put my pinkie on it
Got a good appetite for a bad reputation

[Post-Chorus] But I don’t wanna be just another one of your (skeletons)
Six feet deep like (skeletons)
Could’ve been so sweet but (skeletons)
Fasten your seatbelts, call the police when I start to believe it (skeletons)
Everybody round here’s got (skeletons)
Everybody round here’s got (skeletons)
Everybody round here’s got

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