Hợp âm bài hát Another Love | Bảng chuẩn nhất

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Tone [G]
[C]I wanna take you [Em]somewhere so you know I [Em]care
But it’s so [Bm]cold and I don’t know [C]where
I brought you [Em]daffodils in a pretty [Em]string
But they won’t [Bm]flower like they did [C]last spring
And I wanna [Em]kiss you, make you feel al[Em]right
I’m just so [Bm]tired to share my [C]nights
I wanna [Em]cry and I wanna [Em]love
But all my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
Oh [G]oh
[C]And if somebody [Em]hurts you, I wanna [Em]fight
But my hands been [Bm]broken, one too many [C]times
So I’ll use my [Em]voice, I’ll be so fucking [Em]rude
Words they always [Bm]win, but I know I’ll [C]lose
And I’d sing a[Em] song, that’d be just [Em]ours
But I sang ’em [Bm]all to another [C]heart
And I wanna [Em]cry I wanna learn to [Em]love
But all my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
Oh [G]oh
([Em]Oh, need a [Em]love, now, [Bm]my heart is thinking [C]of)
I wanna sing a [Em]song, that’d be just [Em]ours
But I sang ’em [Bm]all to another [C]heart
And I wanna [Em]cry, I wanna fall in [Em]love
But all my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
On another [G]love, another [Em]love
All my [Bm]tears have been used [C]up
Oh [G]oh

Trên là toàn bộ phần hợp âm bài hát Another Love mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé.
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