Hợp âm bài hát I’ll Be There | Bảng chuẩn nhất

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Bảng hợp âm bài nhạc I’ll Be There | Bảng chuẩn nhất cho các bạn chơi đàn.

When [G]all the tears are rolling down your face
And it [G]feels like yours was the only heart to break
When you [G]come back home and all the lights are out
And you’re [G]getting used to no one else being around
[Em]Oh, oh,[C] I’ll be the[G]re
When you ne[Em]ed a little love, [C]I got a little love to sha[G]re
Yeah, [Em]I’m gonna, I’m [C]gonna, I’m gonna come thro[G]ugh
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
Oh, I [Em]swear,[C] I got enough love for tw[G]o, ooh, ooh, ooh
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
When it’s [G]Friday night and the drink don’t work the same
And you’re a[G]lone with yourself and there’s no one else to blame
And when you [G]still can’t feel the rhythm of your heart
And you [G]see your spirit fading in the dark
[Em]Oh, oh,[C] I’ll be the[G]re
When you ne[Em]ed a little love, [C]I got a little love to sha[G]re
Yeah, [Em]I’m gonna, I’m [C]gonna, I’m gonna come thro[G]ugh
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u (I’ll be there for you)
Oh, I [Em]swear,[C] I got enough love for tw[G]o, ooh, ooh, ooh
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u (oh, oh, oh, oh)
When you’re [C]lost down the riverbend,[D] I’ll be there
When you’re [Em]lost in the darkness,[D] I’ll be there
[C] I’ll be there when your[D] heart is breaking
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there [G]for you (I’ll be there)
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u (I’ll be there)
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u (ooh, ooh, I’ll be there)
Oh, I [Em]swear,[C] I got enough love for tw[G]o, ooh, ooh, ooh
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there [G]for you (oh, oh, oh, oh)
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
([G]I’ll be there when your tears are falling)
I’ll be [Em]there,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u
([G]I’ll be there, can’t you hear me calling?)
Oh, I [Em]swear,[C] I got enough love for tw[G]o, ooh, ooh, ooh
([G]I’ll be there when your heart is breaking)
You’ll n[Em]ever be alone,[C] I’ll be there for yo[G]u (ooh)
I’ll be there for y[G]ou, oo[Gsus4]h
I’ll be there for y[G]ou, ooh
You’ll n[G]ever be alon[Gsus2]e, I’ll be there for yo[G]u
I’ll be there for y[G]ou, oo[Gsus4]h
I’ll be there for y[G]ou, ooh
You’ll n[G]ever be alon[Gsus2]e, I’ll be there for you

Trên là toàn bộ phần hợp âm bài hát I’ll Be There mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé.
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