Journey- When You Love A Woman Lyrics – Lyrics new.

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Journey- When You Love A Woman Lyrics | See Lyrics free.

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47 thoughts on “Journey- When You Love A Woman Lyrics – Lyrics new.

  1. TESS says:

    Almost 3 years ago I fell madly in love. I still absolutely adore him but I know deep down it is just an impossible dream.
    Distance and religion keep us apart plus, there is a big age gap. Reality tells me I should let him go , I must let him go.
    I will love him for the rest of eternity. We always said we’d have this song at our wedding . A wedding that will never be.
    Once I’m brave enough to leave him I will never listen to this song again. It will always remind me of my Bass.

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  3. Andrea Patane says:

    This song from Journey has been added to a playlist I made on iTunes which happens to be called, "Real old 🏫 melodies 1️⃣." In fact, I remember hearing it on the 📻 by accident when I USED to be a 👩🏻‍🎓 in elementary 🏫 back when The Essential Journey album was released as a compilation album 19 years ago. How awesome was that? 🤣

  4. Jesus Cocom says:

    Shit, i've never heard this song before, but it says the truth, when you love a woman you see the wolrd inside her eyes, 'cause she's your entire world

  5. AtomicPlayGirl 66 says:

    1:14 haha I always thought he was singing i cant believe someone's love is true if she'd fall in love with some other dude". That's rich. I'm so glad I was wrong cause damn this song is beautiful.

    I wonder if they knew this song would forever be played at weddings. Think of the royalties you get if the subject of your song is weddings, days of the week, or a holiday or birthday. Those songs never ever fade away.

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