Justin Bieber – That Should Be Me (Lyrics)(Tiktok Song) – Lyrics new.

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42 thoughts on “Justin Bieber – That Should Be Me (Lyrics)(Tiktok Song) – Lyrics new.

  1. ernie mariano says:

    This is make me crying Beacuse i cant Visit ur crush Why i ignore he Beacuse i cant but i ig nore he😭😭😭😭 i really miss he😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔

  2. charni nix says:

    Im in love with my guy bestfriend and have been for a while now. Well at one point he was in love with me but I was dating this guy so i would tell him everything going on in our relationship and he would tell me to leave him alone because he isn't worth your time. So I ended up breaking up with the guy. Later on I found out he was in love with me and has been since we met so after 2 months go by he asks me out on jan 17 21 and i said yes but fast forward we started having problems and i would let my jealousy and insecurities cloud my judgement well, we started arguing and then making up but then i ended up getting grounded and he told me he would wait for me bc i would always say if there is someone out there that makes you happier than i do then go for it ( that hurt me a lot to say ) but he never did. Then we ended up taking a break and he would text his ex and since she's sooo pretty i got jealous and cried myself to sleep. Later we ended up sorting things out and then same thing we started having problems because of other people and i would tell him "Im going to leave the choice to you" and he started getting distant so I assumed we broke up and now we are just "best friends" again and now it hurts because it should be me being your everything but knowing i can't hurts. I rather see him happy with someone else then with me because I would sacrifice my own feelings to see him happy. I'm such a loving idiot

  3. rania says:

    Yeah people are talking about how it hurts when their crush doesnt know
    they dont exist but it hurts more to know that your crush doesnt even exist :'D

  4. Diobz MarNie says:

    I think She would rather choose the other guy over me because I believe in this quote "If you're hesitating of choosing between me and that guy just choose him , I have loved you to make you happy on your everday life and always there for you not to compite" I hope so she would be fine in other guys hand……🖤🥀

  5. Kim vsoofairy says:

    Skl guys

    My crush just broke up with her girlfriend, (lol I was kinda happy) and I thought this might be the chance to have him.I would text him everyday, buy it ain't easy as I thought it would be. He's my bestfriend eventually and all I can talk with him is about his ex. I mean, I didn't wanted to talk about her, but it's the only way to make him talk with me. And trust me it hurts like crazy, everytime we talk about her I can see he still really loves her. I asked him "By any chance, would you still go back to her?" Then he answered "Yes of course, I didn't stop loving her"
    It broke my heart not because of his answer but because of seeing how hurted he was. I just wanted to give up on him and tell him to go back with her. But I just can't, I don't know why but I'd rather be an idiot loving him, that letting him go. Thinking someday he might realize how I love him.

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