Knox Fortune – Hideout Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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View Knox Fortune – Hideout Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

Don’t be nervous
Shy under the surface
Think you don’t deserve the
Moment you’ve been working for

I know it’s harder to be you
When I’m around
I see you hiding
And it’s time to come out
The love will come easy
If you let it don’t doubt

Hey I’ll be there
Yeah you know I’ll be there right
Right when you need me
Hate to believe id not
I’ll be there
Even when you struggle with your doubts
I’ll be thеre even whеn you’re not like yourself
I’ll be there
Even when you’re down
And your out right now right now

Eyes wide at my iPod
That light glowing through the dark
Legs lock tighter than a diamond
Your rooms bigger than the planet is now
Why do we always end up all by ourselves
Selfish nah nah nah nah nah nah

Hey I’ll be there

Yeah you know I’ll be there right
Right when you need me
Hate to believe id not
I’ll be there
Even when you struggle with your doubts
I’ll be there even when you’re not like yourself
I’ll be there
Even when you’re down
And your out right now right now

I don’t need it
Even when you’re trying to help
You were a kid once
Remember yourself
We used to hideout
In back of our house
Lay in the garden
And cover out mouths
Hiding away from the way that I felt

Hey I’ll be there
Yeah you know I’ll be there right
Right when you need me
Hate to believe id not
I’ll be there
Even when you struggle with your doubts
I’ll be there even when you’re not like yourself
I’ll be there
Even when you’re down
And your out right now right now

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