Lazar Brcic Kostic – Far Acros The Room Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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I wandered around for a very long time,
Bragging proudly that I know it all,
Not realizing how weak I was,
Her fiery look became my fall,

Far across the room I noticed her eyes,
She said, nice music, lets’ give it a chance,
I took her hands and instantly soared,
I’m still even now dancing, the same dance,

Long time has past since that first look,
Yet I remember its every gleam,
And every time I am left alone,
I close my eyes and see the same dream,

Far across the room I noticed her eyes,
She said, nice music, lets’ give it a chance,
I took her hands and instantly soared,

I’m still even now dancing, the same dance,

Many have told me, c’mmon, forget it,
Because many people share similar dreams,
But my secret is that magical look,
Even now I’m dazzled or so it seems,

Far across the room I noticed her eyes,
She said, nice music, lets’ give it a chance,
I took her hands and instantly soared,
I’m still even now dancing, the same dance,

Many have told me, c’mmon, forget it,
Because many people share similar dreams,
But my secret is that magical look,
Even now I’m dazzled or so it seems,

Above is all the Lazar Brcic Kostic – Far Acros The Room Lyrics that you need to find. Wish you find the lyrics of your favorite music.

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