Lời bài hát Railroad – Zutons, The | Lyrics bài mới ra mắt tại đây.

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Lời bài hát Railroad – Zutons, The mới nhất tại đây.

Although I’ve left you darling
I’ll soon be back again
That’s what I said in China
Where all the work was dead
I hope you get my letters
I’ll write them every day
I’ll soon be heading eastwards
I’m hammering the nails

I’m working on the railroad
I dig away the time
I’m singing to the worksong
With memories in mind

I’ll sail to Hong Kong harbour
The winds were warmer there
The sweat would roll down my back
While digging at the earth

While talking of you darling
I’d show your photograph
And point it over westwards
Way over past the tracks

I’m working on the railroad
I dig away the time
I’m singing to the worksong
With memories in mind

I’m working on the railroad
I dig away the time
I’m singing to the worksong
With memories in mind
Of you… of you, oh!

I’ve saved every penny, my girl
I hope that you have waited out there
For all my love when I get home
Cause deep down in my heart, there’s a hole?

I’ve saved every penny, my girl
I hope that you have waited out there
For all my love when I get home
Cause deep down in my heart, there’s a hole?

I’ve saved every penny, my girl
I hope that you have waited out there
For all my love when I get home
Cause deep down in my heart, there’s a hole?

Trên là toàn bộ thông tin về Lời bài hát Railroad – Zutons, The mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé. Xemloibaihat.com chúc bạn tìm được lời bản nhạc theo ý muốn của mình nha.

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Lời bài hát Railroad – Zutons, The

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