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Lyrics Joriah Kwame – Hide and Seek | New Today Lyrics

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Joriah Kwame – Hide and Seek
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You’re afraid of your heart, so you’re breaking mine
Keeping track of the time, while you’re wasting ming
Same excuses, “It’s fine,”
Copy-paste and move on
Seems the kiss was just bliss
An experiment you’ll regret and forget when the year is spent
By the time you admit what you feel, I’ll be gone

I’m closing my eyes and I’m counting to ten
Can’t believe that I’m playing this game again
I’m too grown up and too unafraid
For hide-and-seek
I don’t wanna be a secret that you keep
I’m trying to find you, but you’re in too deep

I’d cross an ocеan for you, but I won’t play hide-and-seek
I don’t want to be a secrеt that you keep
But when I’m asleep
I dream of you finally deciding
You’re ready to come out of hiding

The whole school is on fire, you watch it burn
Now you’re GPA’s higher, what did you learn?
Seems like you’re getting tired of caring at all
So I’m just tossed to the side

This identity crisis is hard to watch
When I think that it’s over, another notch
And I learn that you retreat as fast as you fall
What happened to pride?

I’m closing my eyes and I’m counting to ten
Can’t believe that I’m playing this game again
I’m too grown up and too unafraid
For hide-and-seek
I don’t wanna be a secret that you keep
Fine, you can stay asleep
So ordinary and rule-abiding
I’m so done seeking
But please keep on hiding

I’ll ignore how you look at me
I’ll pretend that I don’t see
It’s easier if we let the tension subside

And I tried so hard
To find you

But I can’t play hide and seek
I don’t want to be a secret that you keep 

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Joriah Kwame – Hide and Seek
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Joriah Kwame – Hide and Seek

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Joriah Kwame – Hide and Seek
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