Maky Lavender – Complikated Lyrics (feat. NMK & Ben Ivories) – New Today Lyrics

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My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a…
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of …

My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
(Run da tunes NMK)

If I told you half the stories of shit I have to live
The speech I have to do and the shit I have to say
I live some of life with some joy and some pain
Im enjoying your vibe and your ass in sundress
Whatever you like I go buy no stress
We never end the night with a fight or some stress
I neva dun trip by the shit they say
Can neva buy me no my soul not to take
My fist up in the air and im thinking about my heros
Kobe’s now gone now im thinking about my little
Mike Jack swag got me singing in falsetto
Chadwick Boseman dressed up like a hero
Black Panther dressed up like Huey Newton

Im a king , I never been a nigga
Im a king , I never been a nigga
Im a king , I never been a nigga
Neva dun trip by the shit they say
Can’t buy me my soul not to take
Neva dun trip by the shit they say
Can’t buy me my soul not to take
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that
My life is complicated, a little bit of this and a little bit of that

Think of you like all day
You were in my face like always
I don’t say that to complain
You were the best kind of pain
I don’t know where I go now
If I did I wouldn’t know how
Might still feel the same things
I don’t say that to complain
Think of you like all day
You were in my face like always
I don’t say that to complain
You were the best kind of pain
I don’t know where I go now
If I did I wouldn’t know how
Might still feel the same things
I don’t say that to complain

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