Night Flight – Canada Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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View Night Flight – Canada Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

[Verse 1] Wake up in the hotel and check my phone
Under an hour until I head back home
I wish I could escape into the great unknown
Starting to imagine I forget my flight
And stare into the sanctum of an empty sight

[Chorus] I hate what you do to me
I found it so hard to leave
I’m head over heels in this country
Oh, Canada

[Verse 2] The profits of the evening are everywhere
Merlot and cigarettes pervade the air
A desolate reminder of a swift affair
A single silhouette illuminates my room
And flinches in the sunlight of the afternoon

[Chorus] I hate what you do to me
I found it so hard to leave
I’m head over heels in this country
Oh, Canada
Oh, Canada

[Bridge] There’s a sermon of bouquets that I left outside the door
I’m sure the cleaner will complain of the washed-up troubadour
Oh I’ll be dreaming of the Sneaky Dees

And you’ll be running back to Christie Street

[Chorus] I hate what you do to me
I found it so hard to leave
I’m head over heels in this country
Oh, Canada
Oh, Canada
Oh, Canada
Oh, Canada

(Oooh, ooh, oooh)
(Oooh, ooh, oooh)

[Outro] Where were you when we were doomed?
Hiding in an empty room?
Never tried to reconcile the changes in my mind
Now it’s gone, it can’t come back
Each thought brings a heart attack
Nothing seems to ever be easy in my life
Where were you when we were doomed?
Hiding in an empty room?
Never tried to reconcile the changes in my mind
Now it’s gone, it can’t come back
Each thought brings a heart attack
Nothing seems to ever be easy in my life
Where were you when we were doomed?
Hiding in an empty room?
Never tried to reconcile the changes in my mind

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