Shout To The Lord [Lyrics] – Lyrics new.

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Shout To The Lord [Lyrics] | See Lyrics free.

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Shout to the Lord is a live praise and worship album of Christian Contemporary music by Hillsong Music.

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16 thoughts on “Shout To The Lord [Lyrics] – Lyrics new.

  1. Sj Feng says:

    向主歡呼 Shout to the Lord

  2. Carlo Mario says:

    I am from Panama, God ways are misterious, and not easy, just for champions. Ask always for wisdom, intelligence and discernment to see what He wants to teach you every time. If you want to grow as a strong warrior of the Lord, be sure that life wont be easy since you need to learn to depend on God's power and not on your power. Humbleness and Love are the main key. Avoid judging others or other religions, just share love, since God is love, also ask Him to teach you to love him more and more.

  3. Abigail scamper says:

    Praise the Lord! I love to watch your videos/songs. And I just read that you are in India?! That is awesome! Isn't the Lord wonderful. He is Omnipresent. He is in all places at the same time. Omniscient, He knows all things! That means, He already knows what your next post will be, because you are in submission to the King of kings, Jesus! o/ . Keep up the good work, great is your reward!

  4. ChristFreak says:

    Thnk U So Much Again..! 🙂 🙂
    Im In The Process Of Finishing You'll Come-Hillsong Lyrics..! Will Let U Kno After I Post 🙂 🙂
    God Bless..!!

  5. Abigail scamper says:

    Hi there! Thanks for the enote. It doesn't matter what your age is, Jesus is using your hands, mind, and 'gift of posting', to His glory. Keep it up! You are talented! Use it for King Jesus!

  6. Abigail scamper says:

    Thank you so much! You've done a magnificent work, unto Jesus, in that you have not posted a lot of distractions from JESUS, the One we Shout to, in Love and Adoration, for His gift of eternal life in Him. Hallelujah! Please make more, unto Him! The Lord bless your ministry!

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