Siddharta – Killing in the Name (ID20 Live @ Cvetličarna, Rage Against the Machine cover) – Lyrics new.

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Siddharta – Killing in the Name (ID20 Live @ Cvetličarna, Rage Against the Machine cover) | See Lyrics free.

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Posneto v živo, 24. & 25. 10. 2019, v Cvetličarni, Ljubljana.
Recorded live on Oct 24 & 25, 2019 in Cvetličarna, Ljubljana.
Snemalci / cameramen: Matej Grginič – Grga, Nino Črep, Simon Gosnik, Tilen Račič
Montaža & post-produkcija / edit & post-production: Igor Nardin
Avdio miks & masteriranje / audio mix & mastering: Miha Arnuš – Arni

Posebna zahvala gre našemu dolgoletnemu partnerju in podporniku projekta “ID20” – Volkswagen!
Special thanks to our long-standing partner and supporter of “ID20” project – Volkswagen!

The copyright of the song performed in the video belongs to its respective owner. This channel does not claim any right over them.

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10 thoughts on “Siddharta – Killing in the Name (ID20 Live @ Cvetličarna, Rage Against the Machine cover) – Lyrics new.

  1. SrecniLuka1 says:

    uf………….. po pravici povedano… razočaran. Je pa tako… Tud Guns'n bili metal skupina.. in med metalom so odšpilali tudi November Rain (kateri komad smo pa VSI spoštovali). In enako se mi tudi tukaj zdi ampak kontra…….. da med vsemi enkratnimi skladbami…… se je našel en črviček…kateri ne spada v kategorijo Siddharte.

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