Xem lời bài hát Lời bài hát Best Of My Life – N Sync | Lời bản nhạc mới cập nhật tại đây.

Có phải bạn muốn tìm kiếm lyrics nhạc bài Lời bài hát Best Of My Life – N Syncphải không? Nếu đúng như vậy thì bạn xem ngay tại web của chúng tôi nhé.

Lyric bài hát Lời bài hát Best Of My Life – N Sync hay nhất tại đây.

Girl don’t say that it’s over
‘Cause you are a part of me, yeah
Girl just hold on, please tell me what is wrong with us
Could it be that you’re lonely
Could it be that I didn’t care
Tell me please girl, that you are still feeling for me, oh
Girl where is the love that we used to know, our love
All these beautiful days that we used to share
Lord tell me please what can I do

(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)
(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)
I will give it to you

And you know that I miss you
And you know I can’t live without you
I’m praying each day that your love will come back my way, oh yeah
In my dreams I still hold you
In my dreams are you still with me, yeah
Please don’t hesitate, ’cause girl I can’t wait for our love
Girl where is the love (where is the love)
That we used to know (we used to know)
Our love
Oh, all these beautiful days (beautiful days)
That we used to share (we used to share)
Lord tell me please what can I do, yeah

(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)
(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)

Where is the love that we used to know
Beautiful days we used to share

(Best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)
(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)

Bring it on now
(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)
(I will give you the best of my life)
(Yes I’ll give you all that you need)
(Anything that you want I will give it to you)

Trên là toàn bộ thông tin về lyric bài hát Lời bài hát Best Of My Life – N Sync mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé. Xemloibaihat.com chúc bạn tìm được lời bản nhạc theo ý muốn của mình nha.

Tìm kiếm liên quan đến chủ đề Lyrics bản nhạc Lời bài hát Best Of My Life – N Sync.

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Lời bài hát Best Of My Life – N Sync

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