Xem lời bài hát Lời bài hát Can’t Get There From Here – R.E.M. | Lyrics bài hát hay nhất tại đây.

Có phải bạn muốn tìm kiếm lyrics bài Lời bài hát Can’t Get There From Here – R.E.M.phải không? Nếu đúng như vậy thì bạn xem ngay tại web https://xemloibaihat.com nhé.

Lyric bài hát Lời bài hát Can’t Get There From Here – R.E.M. hay nhất tại đây.

When the world is a monster
Bad to swallow you whole
Kick the clay that holds the teeth in
Throw your trolls out the door
If you’re needing inspiration
Philomath is where I go by dawn
Lawyer Jeff he knows the lowdown
He’s mighty bad to visit home

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way

When your hands are feeling empty
Stick head jumpin off the ground, ‘round
Tris is sure to shirr the deers out
Brother Ray can sing my song

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way

Hands down, Calechee bound
Landlocked kiss the ground
Dirt of seven continents going round and round
Go on ahead Mr. Citywide hypnotized, suit and tied
Gentlemen, testify

If your world is a monster
Bad to swallow you whole
Philomath they know the lowdown
Throw your trolls out the door

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way
(Can’t get there from here)

I’ve been there I know the way

Thank you, Ray.

Trên là toàn bộ thông tin về lyric bài hát Lời bài hát Can’t Get There From Here – R.E.M. mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé. Xemloibaihat.com chúc bạn tìm được lời bản nhạc theo ý muốn của mình nha.

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Lời bài hát Can’t Get There From Here – R.E.M.

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