Xem lời bài hát Not Myself | Lyrics bài hát mới nhất tại đây.

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Lyrics bài
Not Myself mới nhất tại đây.

Suppose I said
I am on my best behavior
there are times
I lose my worried mind.

Would you want me when I’m not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?

Suppose I said
Colors change for no good reason
words will go
From poetry to prose.

Would you want me when I’m not myself?
Wait it out while I am someone else?

And I, in time, will come around, come around
I always do for you.

Suppose I said
You’re my saving grace?

My grace
My self
Not myself, my myself and I…
When I’m someone else
When I’m someone else
When I’m someone else
When I’m not myself

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Not Myself mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé. Xemloibaihat.com chúc bạn tìm được lời bản nhạc theo ý muốn của mình nha.

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Not Myself.

Not Myself

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