A Great Big World – Girls Chase Boys Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls
All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls

[Verse 1] I’m a little let down, but I’m not dead
There’s a little bit more that has to be said (oh, oh)
You play me, now I play you too
Let’s just call it over

[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls
All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls

[Post-Chorus] Chase girls chase boys chase boys chase girls

[Verse 2] I’m a little bit home, but I’m not there yet
It’s one to forgive, but it’s hard to forget
Don’t call me, I won’t call you, too
Let’s just call it over

[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls
All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be

Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls

[Post-Chorus] Chase girls chase boys chase boys chase girls

[Bridge] I got two hands, one beating heart
And I’ll be alright, I’m gonna be alright
Yeah I got two hands, one beating heart
And I’ll be alright
Gonna be alright

[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same
Girls chase boys chase girls
All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls

[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat
(Oh, everything is going to be fine)
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
(Ooh, everybody loves you, baby)
Girls chase boys chase girls

[Chorus] All the broken hearts in the world still beat
Let’s not make it harder than it has to be
(Ooh, everything is going to be fine)
Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls

[Interloped with Chorus] Ooh, everything is going to be fine
Ooh, everybody loves you, baby
Ooh, everything is going to be fine

[Outro] Ooh, it’s all the same thing
Girls chase boys chase girls

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In addition to this A Great Big World – Girls Chase Boys Lyrics you can see more lyrics here: https://xemloibaihat.com/music-world.

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