Axium – Uncovered Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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View Axium – Uncovered Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

She’s grabbing hold of my eyes
Always in focus
But she doesn’t know us
Her presence is felt in my bones
And her voice is present
And I feel it’s hell-sent

So lay me down with the discontent
Redundancy that I represent
I try too hard to escape it all
That’s why I’m praying for the fall

Her image is burning my eyes
With everything I say
To myself through the day

I can’t find my comfort anymore
I’m losing dignity
It’s all that’s left of me

So lay me down with the discontent
Redundancy that I represent
I try too hard to escape it all
That’s why I’m praying for the fall

So lay me down with the discontent
Redundancy that I represent
I try too hard to escape it all
That’s why I’m praying for the fall

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