AZLYRICS.COM.AZ | Uncreation – Sailor Lyrics | New Today Lyrics

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The northwind breaths through my head
and fills my ear
with sounds of the sea
and now I see clear

Time is a sadistic bastard
with footprints of pain
I’ll break his legs to enter his world
to get insane

Now the time flews backward
across my eyes, how he screams!
Spitting out the past as grey
water and dreams

Far beyond the horizon, I see
how your body drifts away
I start to sail across the sea
Oh please stay

I wanna break the time to sail the past for you
hold your hands and kiss your tears away
I Wanna change the dime, to refill your life
with colours and breath

Bre ak the time
Sail the time

Oh, please stay
Cause now I’m here
And the second time,
I promise I’ll stay near

Please open your eyes
please smile for me, my dear
Why is your skin still pale
Come, whisper in my ear


The Northwind breaths through my head
and fills my ear
with sounds of the sea
and now I see clear

Time is a sadistic bastard
with footprints of pain
I’ll break his legs to enter his world
to get insane

Now the time flews backward
across my eyes, how he screams!
Spitting out the past as grey
water and dreams

Far beyond the horizon, I see
how your body drifts away
I start to sail across the sea
Oh please stay

I wanna break the time to sail the past for you
hold your hands and kiss your tears away
I Wanna change the dime, to refill your life
with colours and breath

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