Babyland – Fault Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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View Babyland – Fault Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

He is the reason
He is the cause
Loss of a feeling
It’s all a part
A part of his call
Hiding from freedom
Bound to the wall
Persuading the faithless
Encourage the fall

You are everything I need
Everything to me

She is the reason
She is the cause
Loss of a feeling
It’s all a part
A part of her call
Hiding from freedom
You’re bound to the wall
Persuading the faithless
Encourage the fall

You are everything I need

Everything to me
Now I look to my hands
They’re all that I got
Shifting blame back and forth
I see all that I’m not
I try to stand up
Giving reasons
Excuses you cause
Measure me
Not by what I am
But what I achieve
I want to be just everything
All that you need
I want to be just everything
All that I need
I feel failure
It’s coming down
Straight to my head
I can’t deny it no more
It’s all my fault

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