Baillie & The Boys – She Deserves You Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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You say she deserves you more than me
You say she’s the kind of woman
I could never be

‘Cause she can make you feel the way
I did in my younger days
When our love was new,
Well, she don’t know you like I do

[CHORUS] And if she wants a man
Who’ll take the ring off of his hand
And then turn around and say that he’ll be true
Then she deserves you

You promise her the moon and she believes

She’s innocent and trusting
Just like I used to be

You say that when you hold her
You forget that you’ve grown older
And that might be true
But she don’t know you like I do


Remember when you tell her
That you’ll stay with her forever
There was a time you said those words to me


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