BBQ Stain Lyrics | New Lyrics

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It was Labour day weekend, I was seventeen,
I bought a coke and some gasoline,
and I drove out to the county fair.
When I saw her for the first time,
she was standin’ there in that ticket line,
and it all started right then and there,
Oh a sailers sky made a perfect sun set,
and that’s a day I’ll never forget

[ Lyrics from: ]
I had a barbeque stain on my white t-shirt,
she was killin’ me in that mini skirt,
skippin’ rocks on the river by the railroad tracks,
she had a sun tan line and red lipstick,
I worked so hard for that first kiss,
and a heart don’t forget somethin’ like that

It was five years later on a south bound plane I was,
headin’ down to New Orleans,
to meet some friends of mine for the Mardi Gras,
when I heard a voice from the past,
comin’ from a few rows back,
and when I looked, I couldn’t believe just I what saw,
she said I bet you don’t remember me,
and I said, only every other memory

I had a barbeque stain on my white t-shirt,
you were killin’ me in that mini skirt,
skippin’ rocks on the river by the railroad tracks,
you had a sun tan line and red lipstick,
I worked so hard for that first kiss,
and a heart don’t forget somethin’ like that

Like an old photograph time could make us feel in pain,
but the memory of the first love, never fades away

I had a barbeque stain on my white t-shirt,
she was killin’ me in that mini skirt,
skippin’ rocks on the river by the railroad tracks,
she had a sun tan line and red lipstick,
I worked so hard for that first kiss,
and a heart don’t forget noooo, a heart don’t forget,
I said a heart don’t forget somethin’ like that

Oh like somethin’ like that

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