Believer – Obscure Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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The end of time is drawing near
the angels prepare for the harvest
separation of the wicked and righterous
the corrupt the fire infests

Sifting of humanity
extirpation of the heathen
cast into the infinite holocaust
where time’s end is never seen

Signs of the end have come
nation will rise against nation
famines wage war on the land
the birth pains have begun

These omens of sanity are obscured
hidden from insane minds
though seeing they do not see
they hear but understanding can’t find

This people’s heart has become calloused
their eyes they willfully seal
otherwise their eyes might see
and in turn become healed

Blurred visions
sanity obscure

Matthew 13:39;Mark,13;I Corithans 2:7;Romans 16:25;Revelation

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