Crawlersout Lyrics | New Lyrics

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Sea water is flowing from the
middle of my thighs
Wild buffalo are dancing on
cliff tops in the skies

[ Lyrics from: ]
Adorn me in feathers
from dead birds and
contemplate the size of
leather palettes to wind me in
Put shutters on my eyes

They’ll cover the hills
with their sweet flesh
and soft nails
They’ll cover the doors
with their screens that
their minds disposed

Write it down, write it down,
down the names and dates
of the daughters
who pour out of me
like grandmother’s vines

They hang from the plates
and my eyes see their (?)
pretty long lashes and beards
guarding the reign of me from them
heedless, trembling toes
gathering rain (?)
in their sockets and creases and holes

They’ll cover the hills
with their sweet flesh
and soft nails
They’ll cover the doors
with their screens that
their minds disposed

They’ll weave their own souls
into the frame to grow their foliage in
They’ll sew their own hands
into their beds to keep them crawlers out
to keep them crawlers out
to keep them crawlers out
to keep them crawlers out
keep them crawlers out
keep them crawlers out

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