CRAY – Roses R Red | New Today Lyrics

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View CRAY – Roses R Red | Lyrics of new songs.

If the roses were red,
And violets were blue
Then all the sweet lies can be bad for you

It tastes like sugar when I breathe you in
But even sugar rots my teeth in the end
When you’re close to me, feel the chemistry
But all those chemicals might kill me
But I’d rather be rougher on the edges
‘Cause I know that oink creates legends
I could be your angel or your devil
Just careful what you wish for

If the roses were red,
And violets were blue
Then all the sweet lies can be bad for you
And if all of this hell[?] heaven is true
Because all the sweet lies can be bad for you.

Bad bad bad bad bad for you
Bad bad bad bad bad for you

All those box we’ve got, they missed stop pulling me
All the scars I can live for me for eternity
When you’re close to me, can be heavenly
But even angels fall with enemies

If the roses were red,
And violets were blue
Then all the sweet lies can be bad for you
And if all of this hell[?] heaven is true
Because all the sweet lies can be bad for you.

Bad bad bad bad bad for you
Bad bad bad bad bad for you

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