Daughter – Mothers – Lyrics new.

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Daughter – Mothers

You will grow all you need to grow inside my spine
And then take what you need to take, what’s yours is mine
And then just give all you want of it to some new thing
I’ll stay here, the provider of that constant sting they call love
They call love
You will drain all you need to drain out of me
All the colors have washed away, no more rosy sheen
Not just a pale isolated shallow water place
Oh what a place I call myself
I call myself
Oh love all you need to love before it goes
When your face becomes a stranger’s I don’t know
You will never remember who I was to you
Carried in the womb
I’m called mother
I’m called mother
They’re called home
They’re called home
They’re called
They’re called
Give all you need to give
And sometimes they won’t take what they need to take
The strangest chemical reaction
Inside of her brain, no she’s not the same
No she’s not the same
No she’s not the same

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25 thoughts on “Daughter – Mothers – Lyrics new.

  1. V says:

    My aunt died a few days ago and I can't get what my Mom told my Grandpa out of my head.
    "Children aren't supposed to die before their parents."

  2. - PJay - says:

    i heard this for the first time three years ago in the backseat of my abusive mother's van and i'm now sitting here in my new bedroom, 5 months after finally getting out of there, and this song is still just as heartwrenching as i remember it.

  3. Jiggle Wiggle says:

    I was madly looking for this song after watching an Instagram edit. Imagine searching for a song with no lyrics..just music. Shazam was not giving definite results.

  4. Cross-Snuff says:

    “I’m called mother.” Just, hurts so bad to me. I don’t understand why. I’m not a dad, I’m not a paternal figure but…I felt like I had to give that to my friends. They didn’t have good parental figures. So, I took care of them. The thought of them losing me or vis versa…it horrifies me. I want to always be with them. I want to care for them.

  5. Random shittystuff says:

    Hearing this song just makes me want to love and be loved in a motherly way. Its odd. It reminds me of my chickens and my mom. I can relate this more to how I loved my chickens tho. Ive lost them and Im terrified of losing my memories of them but I also sometimes don't like thinking of them, so its a weird tug of war at memories to keep them in a place of limbo. Close enough to stay around, but not close enough to hurt me. Thinking back, Ive had a maternal spark for a lot of my childhood and that just intensified with my chickens. The instrumentals remind me of the memories, haunting and stained with sadness but a happier time. Without my chickens I just feel sort of empty. I feel like I need something to mother to stay sane and I clutch my old baby blankets to my chest for a comforting weight. I used to feel a greater sense of similar comfort with my chickens. I just want to have my chickens again. The closest comfort to that is getting more chickens. Its a loop. I wonder if this is how some mothers of human children felt back when children died more often.

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