Dry Cleaning – Strong Feelings Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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Just an emo dead stuff collector, things come to the brain
Let’s look at the geophys
Let’s wait for the results from the geophys
Just an emo dead stuff collector, things come to the brain
I spent £17 on mushrooms for you
‘Cause I’m silly
Just an emo dead stuff collector, things come to the brain
This week is Holy Week

I just want to tell you I’ve got scabs on my head
It’s useless to live
I’ve been thinking about eating that hot dog for hours
Kiss me
Letting you only when we must whilst someone holds the door
Too much to ask about
So don’t ask

It’s useless to live
I just want to tell you I’ve got scabs on my head
It made me realise
My only ambition in life is to grip the roots of your hair

You just want to be liked

Tin glazed earthenware flower brick painted in blue
On the sloping edge, a vase of flowers
On the front, a Chinese landscape
On the sides, figures in a Dutch landscape
It’s Europe
It’s Europe
It’s Europe
It’s Europe

In the painting’s foreground, at the bottom is a famous anamorphic
Which when viewed sidelong is revealed to be a human skull

That seems like a lot of garlic
Long and lean and young and lovely
You just want to be liked
I like you, stay
It’s Europe

Just an emo dead stuff collector, things come to the brain
Too much to ask about
So don’t ask

Above is all the Dry Cleaning – Strong Feelings Lyrics that you need to find.

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