Evanescence- heart Shaped Box lyrics (Nirvana's cover) – Lyrics new.

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Evanescence- heart Shaped Box lyrics (Nirvana's cover) | See Lyrics free.

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Amy’s voice is really perfect.

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45 thoughts on “Evanescence- heart Shaped Box lyrics (Nirvana's cover) – Lyrics new.

  1. Lizz _ says:

    I stumbled across this cover, to be really honest, I was so surprised on how decent it is. Wait, that sounded horrible, I didn't mean it like that. I meant the original is obviously really good, but this cover is also good. I can't decide which one I prefer.

  2. Nath Dias D says:

    Lana did it better! (If you going to listen… Listen to the live version because the studio one is fake…)
    But… Lana slayed more

  3. Jay Ride says:

    Ok, to all you haters, ever heard of a cover? Bands do it all the time. So shut your fucking mouths. You know nothing. You're just complaining to complain. So just go the fuck away

  4. Jadan Mia says:

    To those people claiming Evanescence 'stole' Nirvana's song and made it to stupid: It's a thing called a cover. Meaning a band or artist wanted to take a song that they really liked from a band or artist they admire and sing it using their style. They do not intend to surpass the original artist, simply show admiration to them. So please try to be a bit less rude about it cause Evanescence didn't 'take' Nirvana's song and turn it into a 'gay piece of crap,' they simply did it in their own style. You don't like it all you have to say is that you prefer the original cover.  

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