gorrilaz-feel good inc lyrics – Lyrics new.

Are you looking for a topic feel good inc lyrics? Are you looking for topic gorrilaz-feel good inc lyrics? If that’s the case, please see it right here.

gorrilaz-feel good inc lyrics | See Lyrics free.

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ya i just decided to make this since i like the song so ya enjoy

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49 thoughts on “gorrilaz-feel good inc lyrics – Lyrics new.

  1. Rune2u says:

    Windmill, Windmill for the land learn forever hand in hand Take it all in on your stride It is sticking falling down….
    Love forever, Love is free Let's turn forever you and me
    Windmill, Windmill for the land Is everybody in?

  2. ShaggyRedHead says:

    It's not about crime or drugs, at least, I don't think so, I think it's about a person who knows what's happening to people, and that he want to be one of the people who still value life, but he's stuck, stuck in an endless rut where habit become law, it like "old habits die hard" if you get used to something, it's hard not to instinctually do that thing.

  3. Hanchette001 says:

    yoou know theres alot of people that dislike this ,, if you dont like it then dont listen or watch it ,, i swear people are getting dumber and dumber around here

  4. Dillion Zwahlen says:

    my thoughts are that actually the tower represents how the media is in control of everything nowadays and controls your life the windmill represents freedom of speech and defience to the media
    just my thoughts plz reply ^.^

  5. Kar Gow says:

    @MrSilentBob115 I….think I'm just going to sit here and enjoy one of my favourite songs, and not worry about whether or not it is a metaphor for the vice-like grip that drug addiction can take on a person…

  6. Alex Breneman says:

    @thecatholicdevil actually drugs and getting high could be included. Its really about addictions (addictions are the feel good inc). You could also argue the windmill is a symbol of addiction. As it gets close to the ground your almost safe but then your pulled back in to the cycle of addictions. Just my thoughts.

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