Greta Van Fleet – Heat Above Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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Sorrows of the earth
May our tears of rain wash down to bathe you
This is what life is worth
When the fires still burn and rage all around

Can you hear that dreadful sound
Fire still burning on the ground

Follow the fearsome sound
As they march to battle, hear the drums pound
We do not fight for war
But to save the lives of those who do so

Can you hear that dreadful sound
Fire still burning on the ground

Can you feel my love
Rising with the heat above
Life’s the story of
Ascending to the stars as one

Marching across the land
Is a peaceful army joining the band
Walking hand in hand
To an anthem loudly sung where they stand

Can you hear that dreadful sound
Fire still burning on the ground

Can you feel my love
Rising with the heat above
Life’s the story of
Ascending to the stars as one

Above is all the Greta Van Fleet – Heat Above Lyrics that you need to find. Wish you find the lyrics of your favorite music.

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