How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch – Lyrics new.

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How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch | See Lyrics free.

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At some point in our lives, almost every one of us will have our heart broken. Imagine how different things would be if we paid more attention to this unique …

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31 thoughts on “How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch – Lyrics new.

  1. noya 1312 says:

    I will never start a relationship again. The pain of heartbreak is paralyzing. This break-up will forever remind me of why I will stay away from relationships.

  2. Lee TY says:

    lol, just remember you will always find another better one. And also remember the one who broke up with you also have tons of weaknesses and think again whether both of you are really suitable for each other.

  3. Jeremy Riley says:

    Recently divorced after 16 years with three young kids. Separated for 2 1/2 years where I did everything she asked to save the family, not just the marriage. She still said no. I keep asking myself simply why?

  4. Sagar Sangwan says:

    It's been almost a year and i don't know why but i had hope that she will come back but yesterday i got to know she is with someone else. Looks like the people in the comment section could feel how it feels when your love is with someone else.

  5. randa reziq says:

    I just feel like dying, everything reminds me of them, Im slowly losing myself but I still have hope that it might lead me to a better version of myself.

  6. Not So ASMR says:

    I got caught lying a few times in what I thought was the love of my life. And I lost them. To be fair, they were never truly mine in the first place. But I not only lost my love, but my best friend too. Now I have pain in my chest where her love used to be. I know i broke her heart.. but, mine is also broken.

  7. Lavish Rupani says:

    He's also written the book by the same name as the title of this video in which he finished the story of how Kathy found her answer about Rich dumping her. So, after trying his level best to work it out with Kathy, the weekend away in New England was the last shot that Rich wanted to give it with Kathy. Unfortunately, it didn't work and that's why he broke up and he tried to minimize the damage in doing so. Once, Kathy realized this, it was easier for her to accept the fact that there was indeed nothing wrong with her and nothing wrong happened during the weekend away.

  8. Julian Stephen says:

    Sometimes u just wish there was a switch u can just turn off…
    Sleepless nights,waking up feeling sorrow..this deep pain…u ask yourself "how can i not miss her?"
    People always say it "takes time" but thats part of the solution the other part is more crucial tho…and thats "doing the effort" ..or like the Doctor said…."fill in the voids"…WE WILL HEAL…its gonna get better.

  9. Saskia Wibowo says:

    stay strong, stay logical fellas. good talk here.
    we can be disappointed because our ex is not THE person, but we CAN'T grieve like our ex is THE person, because they're not.

  10. Seven Lee says:

    I was madly in love with her and then she told me she couldn’t see herself with anyone, even when I told her I couldn’t see myself with anyone but her. She had invited me to her friends wedding, told me she was starting to develop feelings for me, and then she breaks my heart and I tell her it’s “fine”. She told me we were going to watch the new episode of wandavision together later that night but she just disappears on me, she still watches my Instagram story but…I finally found a connection that meant everything to me. And it slipped right through my fingers. And I get it…she might be overwhelmed, but I’ve experienced this hundreds of times and it doesn’t get any easier.

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