Human Highway Lyrics | New Lyrics

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I come down
from the misty mountain
I got lost
on the human highway
Take my head
refreshing fountain
Take my eyes
from what they’ve seen.
Take my head
and change my mind
How could people
get so unkind.

[ Lyrics from: ]
I come down
from the crooked mansion
I went lookin’
for the D.J.’s daughter
Since that day
I heard it mentioned
That my name is on the line.
Now, my name is on the line
How could people
get so unkind.

Now, my name is on the line
How could people
get so unkind.

I come down
from the misty mountain
I got lost
on the human highway
Take my head
refreshing fountain
Take my eyes
from what they’ve seen.
Take my head
and change my mind
How could people
get so unkind.

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