Imagine Dragons – Wrecked (Official Music Video) – Top nhạc thịnh hành hiện nay.

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Imagine Dragons – Wrecked (Official Music Video) | Top những bài hát hay nhất.

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 Imagine Dragons - Wrecked (Official Music Video) tại
Imagine Dragons – Wrecked (Official Music Video)

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41 thoughts on “Imagine Dragons – Wrecked (Official Music Video) – Top nhạc thịnh hành hiện nay.

  1. mlem radiata says:

    I'm 16 years old and my mother passed away when I was 13. She had been battling cancer for over a year but still managed to be there for my family as much as she could. She was a literal sunshine and the best storyteller I have ever met.

    It's right, I am a wreck since she's been gone. But I'll see her again, I know I will. Thank you for watching over me like you promised, mom.

  2. BlockBreaker says:

    To me this song is like, losing someone you loved, trying to move on but having that memory linger in the back of your mind. While you hold it all inside, you try to continue your life, people don't ask how you are, they assume you are ok. You are the only person who knows what is going on in your mind and you miss that person, but they are gone.

  3. Mia SérbTo says:

    Justo llueve y la he dedicado a un chico que se ha despedido de mí…
    Dijo Bye, y temo que sea definitivamente de todo 😔..
    Kerem-G, te respondí hasta pronto porque tengo la esperanza de verte nuevamente en este mundo..💜

  4. Jovem Cristã says:

    Jesus é o único q pode mudar sua situação, ele quer te acolher como um filho, tirar sua depressão, curar suas feridas sentimentais e traumas, te proteger e te dar muita felicidade aqui na terra ainda, ele fez comigo e com milhares de pessoas ele pode fazer com vc! Basta vc dar lugar, ele vai te fazer sentir amado de novo, Deus te ama tanto q deu seu filho pra morrer por vc, Jesus escolheu morrer por vc do q viver sem vc♥️ isso tudo pra q vc possar ter um lugar de descanso lá no céu onde não a dor nem choro só paz, alegria e felicidade e lá vai pra ser pra sempre, aqui é passageiro por isso não desiste de tudo agora.Ele tem o melhor pra vc mas para q ele faça isso vc tem q colocar ele como prioridade em sua vida, então busque mais ele, ele te aceita assim mesmo como vc está, volte para ele enquanto é tempo pq Jesus está voltando, reconheça o seu pecado e não o faça mais,lute para não fazer de novo pq no fundo vc sabe q o pecado faz mal pra vc, ele é fiel em perdoar, Jesus é o escape e a esperança daqueles q querem basta crer, então foco em Deus pq é dele q vai vim as suas forças, ore mais, lê a bíblia, procure pregações aq no YouTube, eu te recomendo curtir e seguir páginas cristãs em cada rede social q tiver, e ouvir um louvor agora 🙂

  5. Gian Da Silva Borges says:


    Hell and Heaven you carefully read verses 41 to 48 of chapter 9 of the Gospel of Mark, you noticed a repetition of the consequences for the misuse of our bodies, which includes doing wrong things, walking in the wrong ways and looking at the things they do stumble. What consequences? "To go to hell, where the fire never goes out, where your worm doesn't die." If the Holy Spirit inspired Mark to repeat it so many times, it is because he is talking about something very important: the horrible eternal damnation that does not annihilate man, soul and sensations.

    The word “hell” does not exist in the originals and was used by translators in place of the term Gehenna and here means eternal torment. In Matthew 25:41 Jesus speaks of “eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels”, which shows that it is not a condemnation made for human beings, but for spiritual beings. Men thrown there because they reject the salvation that God offers freely. This “lake of fire” is now empty and will be inaugurated when it receives the beast and the antichrist, then the devil, and finally all the lost, already with their bodies. (Rev 19:20; 20:10, 15). At this time the dead are, in spirit, in the condition of Hades, the state of separation between spirit and soul and body, the unbelievers in suffering and pain, and the saved enjoying joy in the presence of the Lord.

    If the “fire” was “prepared for the devil and his angels”, we can be sure that it is not the same type of fire produced with wood, gas or an atomic explosion. Satan and his angels are spirit and incorporeal beings unless they take human form to deceive. But an angel could go through an atomic explosion without getting singed. So it is evident that the Holy Spirit uses realities of the material world to understand spiritual realities. Fire in the Bible is synonymous with judges and suffering.

    By deviating from the popular spread, the lake of fire is not where the lost will live in the company of others. It's absolute solitude. Nor is it a place where Satan is the chief tormentor of the lost. The devil is also one of the condemned inmates there, not someone with privileges. The fire in this place is not the kind that generates light, as other passages speak to us of “outer darkness,” which may not only be moral but also literal. In contrast to this, if you believe in Jesus as your Savior you can give “thanks to the Father, that we have become worthy to partake of the saints' origin in the realm of light…and blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ ”(Luke 1:12; Eph 1:6).

  6. nazmi funz says:

    Thank you imagine dragons for this song .. I miss my late-mom , its been 5years and no one can replace her or erased her from my mind & memories .. Thank you so much for this song 🙏

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