Jack Stauber – It's Alright (sub español/lyrics) – Lyrics new.

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Jack Stauber – It's Alright (sub español/lyrics) | See Lyrics free.

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45 thoughts on “Jack Stauber – It's Alright (sub español/lyrics) – Lyrics new.

  1. Alexitimia says:

    El audio es el original porque dice cosas muy bajito y yo siempre le dejo un filtro que hace que suene algo diferente, pero si se lo pongo no se escucharían muchas cosas

  2. Dino Fedex says:

    Mi cabeza sigue diciéndome que lo que siento no importa.
    Las demás personas son las que importan, yo no.
    Mis amigos, familia, conocidos, ellos sufren realmente, ellos son los verdaderos protagonistas. Esta bien no ser importante, aún así, me duele saber que jamás haré nada para ayudarme, porque no valgo la pena… Supongo que eso Está bien. ¿No?

  3. Cryptic Calli says:

    For me, this song is the struggle between apathy and anxiety. Flipping a coin and then having those feelings wash over me like a non-forgiving ocean, my limp body tumbling and spinning against the icy waves. I either succumb, or desperately fight to reach the surface. “Feels weird, but calm” is how I’d describe my apathy. I don’t usually feel like this, but when I do, it’s just….silence in my head. No screeching thoughts, no panic, nothing.
    On the other end, is unbearably loud voices. Voices that never cease to put me down. When I’m like this, I can’t look in the mirror and think something positive about the reflection. If I bump into someone, I start cursing at myself. If I need to ask for help, I immediately feel weak or stupid. I cannot see anything bright for my future, let alone see anything. It’s all dark, and I cannot bear it.
    “I wanna hear, it’s alright”
    I just want someone to comfort me, truly. I can’t go to my school, because of their policy to report cases of harm.(to the person in question or to other students) and that means my parents know about it. They think that I’m just seeking attention due to me not talking to them and instead having staff at school know.
    My parents love me, but they don’t understand my feelings. Being honest, I don’t really either..

    But I just want someone to hold me close, and tell me that everything’s alright…

  4. candiidoggie says:

    this feels like how i felt while trying to sleep last night, i felt a sudden spike of fear and i just tried telling myself itd be okay soon while i just kept getting more and more scared

  5. Jules CloverLeaf says:

    This and some other songs from the album really help me with calming down, and when im dissociating, it helps ground me and kinda bring me back to reality! Its strangely comforting 🙂

  6. Leaf Claw says:

    This is really what I feel like, I am always feel happy but I know something feels very off like I know something bad is going to happend I’m trying to tell myself nothing bad is going to happend to the point where I feel emotionless

  7. Anthony says:

    My brain at me: Wow, look at you. You can handle psychological horror, horror games and movies, and gore on a daily basis. Yet you're here, listening to this song, flight or fight instincts kicking in over a simple song… Pathetic
    I really am lmao 😔

  8. Starburstthekitty says:

    This is exactly what I felt like as a child having an anxiety attack and being comforted by my mother, jack’s lyrics are what she’d say to me, while the screeching instrumentals are what my body felt like.

  9. hell ño✔️ says:

    This basically represent me,I always try my best to not look in pain or sad in various situations,but sometimes I just can't hold my feelings,and express them,and then people ask me if im ok,and I usally answer yes,while I desperately try my best to look and be soulless,but fail

  10. Matrioska_ says:

    Uh, esto me recuerda lo que me pasó ayer, yo estaba en el río, emocionada, ya que era la primera vez después de mucho que iba. El problema era que me encontré un perro, muerto en el río, y solo se le veía el torso y su collar. No sabía cómo actuar, pero de alguna manera, se me hacía familiar, el perro, su collar, y su olor a moribundo. Pero extrañamente, me sentía tranquila, rara, porque todo resultó bien después de eso. Pero había tanto viento, tanta, que parecía que no querrían que yo viese al animal ya que me empujaba hacia atrás. Sé que aquel perro está bien ahora.

  11. Elena says:

    Aveces siento como si las canciones de Jack fueran mi droga o mi medio de escape de la realidad.

    En especial HiLo .

    Me siento mal.

    Escucho las canciones tristes y saco la tristeza.

    Escucho las un poco más alegres y me siento mejor.

    Escucho las motivacionales y sigo adelante.

    Gracias por traducir estás canciones.

  12. Matias Godoy says:

    Muy buena tu traducción. Esta musica me da esa sendacion de tranquilidad al escucharla, tal cual como dice la letra. Gracias por traducirla n.n

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