Josh A & Jake Hill – Suicidal Thoughts (Lyrics) – Lyrics new.

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Josh A & Jake Hill – Suicidal Thoughts (Lyrics) | See Lyrics free.

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49 thoughts on “Josh A & Jake Hill – Suicidal Thoughts (Lyrics) – Lyrics new.

  1. Bee Trayed says:

    If u feel suicidal giro don't play hard when we know what you are . U ware a mask n act hard . One difference is that when u put on n put up shit it's just an act . Mine r up so it's what
    It is . Congratulations


    After years basically a decade of suffering with sever ptsd and depression and all that come with it plus the right side of my body being destroyed and in constant pain just fuck I want to feel normal I don't want the flashes of seeing three good friends taking there life like fuck man I just want to be and feel normal again I'm litterly a shell of myself I hate it I just want peace man

  3. Love and Faithfulness says:

    Suicide is a sin and does not fulfill the two commandments that Jesus gave His followers. “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40
    ultimately, the enemies we face, are not people or objects. It is not our body, it is not physical enemy. our battle is indeed spiritual, In each of those cases, we can choose to fight the wrong battles, or we can rest knowing God is fighting for us. We fight this war not with tangible weapons like guns and ammunition, nor with bodily defenses such as kicks and punches, but by daily putting on the whole armor of God, always praying, standing firm in the Word of God, and staying alert. The decision of committing suicide is usually made when the person's mind is clouded with negativity and hopelessness; one should never act upon decisions taken in such a state of mind. struggles are part of life not life itself. If people committed suicide when they encountered a challenge or a problem; we will no longer exist as humans. Because struggle, challenge or problem begins the moment we are born. You are not worse than other people, nor are you better. You are also not the same as other people. You are uniquely different. Every adult has a life of important moments, some sad and some happy that have pushed them along their path. Every one of your personal tragedies strengthens your resolve to move to the next one and share with others your experience or pain. We learn, and we grow, but in the end we all die. But murder is one of the worst things a human being can possibly do. just consider that murdering a human is a terrible thing to do since you've stolen their chance at life, and violated their freedom. In the case of suicide, you've robbed your future self of a life, which is as terrible as snuffing out the life from another innocent person. There is no doubt suicide is a sin. The 6th commandments clearly says "you shall not murder." and suicide is murdering oneself. “You shall not murder.” has not been abolished therefore there is no possibility of anyone gaining a direct benefit from the sin of anyone’s murder even if it is caused by their own hand. Suicide is “never the answer” because it isn’t an answer. It’s throwing the question out with the rest of the book and no one can ever try to help you solve the problems when you do that. many times when people are in horrible pain; that they believe will never end, it isn't true. It's just that the pain feels so bad, you can't imagine it ever ending. Think of adolescents who commit suicide because they've been bullied, or stockbrokers who commit suicide because they've lost money. Those problems seem bad at first but can get better as time goes on. If you have been hurt in life make the decision today and now that you will never willingly put someone else through that by taking your own life. If you have been hurt, churn it into love and give it back. “Think of your loved ones, how much they will hurt!”. You will spread your pain around to others, it grows and multiplies. it will generate a lot of sadness and grief among your loved ones."  think about your neighbors… all the poor and needy people, millions of children are starving to death, no clothes, homeless, orphans and widows, disabled people, etc they all need someone to help them. Try helping others and it will make you happy. Put a smile on those little heartbroken parentless and homeless children in this world. You can save the little one who really don’t have nothing left and whose life has become so bad and is dying just by you staying alive and caring to help the little one!!! Volunteer your time, money, or energy to help others in need, that doesn't just make the world better—it also makes you better. God will bless you in abundance. We do not live for ourselves only, and we do not die for ourselves only. Christ fought the ultimate battle when He suffered and died for our sins. Christ fought for us on the cross, and He won. His death and resurrection paid the price for our sins, and because of His wounds, we are healed. With Christ there is always hope. Christ’s resurrection offers present and eternal hope. Jesus offers to all who respond a hope for living—a hope beyond suffering, pain, and despair. You can survive this tragedy and move beyond it. Look to God for strength and help. know that He will give you sufficient grace each day as you journey ahead. He continues to fight for us today. In our physical struggles and in the unseen world, we can answer with Romans 8:31, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

  4. Lily Tartaglia says:

    I agree with this song, this is how I feel every single day, and my parents don’t think I’m actually depressed and shit but yes I am. This song is so relatable

  5. Lulu Ghail says:

    Jeremiah 29:11

    "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

  6. shoto todoroki says:

    Still feeling this way 12 years old and its been 6 years till my trauma started with someone my MOM left me with and she really thinks i love her its called acting sweet mommy💖💛💙💖💜💙😘😘😘😘😘😌😌😌💅💅💅💅

  7. Я Король says:

    Это я для себя:)

    I'm not suicidal, I don't wanna fucking die
    I just wanna be able to close my eyes and feel alright
    But every day I feel like dying
    Every day I feel like dying

    Why do I even try?
    Why do I even write lyrics about how I'm living the life
    When I'm battling pain and my demons at night?
    Trying to find a new outlet
    The devil pouncin', I hear him howlin', my vision cloudin'
    Man, I tried to escape but there ain't no way
    Try to be strong when I deal with the pain, yeah
    But I'm ditching the coffin, so my family has options
    Gotta work 'til I'm dead so that they get the best
    Don't wanna set up a bad example
    'Cause the kids looking up can't leave in shambles
    Can't make them think clocking out's okay
    So fuck suicide, I'm here to stay

    Try to free my mind
    I don't know what's right
    Wasting all my time
    Tryna find the light
    Try to free my mind
    I don't know what's right
    Wasting all my time
    Tryna find the light, no no
    I'll be out here runnin', I'll be runnin' from myself now
    Gunnin' demons down, find my way out of this hell now
    I'll be runnin' now, I'll be runnin' from myself now
    Gunnin' demons down, find my way out of this hell now

    I'm not suicidal, I don't wanna fucking die
    I just wanna be able to close my eyes and feel alright
    But every day I feel like dying
    Every day I feel like dying

    One too many bad thoughts inside me
    Got a hole in my heart put the past behind me
    I'm pressed with time, I'm stressed with life, my breath is ice
    I guess I might just bottle it up some more just like always
    Barely standing, crawling down the hallways
    Sink into my bed, with death inside my head
    Yeah, that note you found? I didn't mean it
    Just wish I had a better sense of meaning
    Never meant to let you down, I've been down and out
    Racing thoughts had to drown them out, fuck
    Never giving in I swear to God
    No matter how many times I prayed to a God I don't believe in
    Just to see if I will never wake up, but he called my bluff

    Try to free my mind
    I don't know what's right
    Wasting all my time
    Tryna find the light
    Try to free my mind
    I don't know what's right
    Wasting all my time
    Tryna find the light, no no
    I'll be out here runnin', I'll be runnin' from myself now
    Gunnin' demons down, find my way out of this hell now
    I'll be runnin' now, I'll be runnin' from myself now
    Gunnin' demons down, find my way out of this hell now

    I'm not suicidal, I don't wanna fucking die
    I just wanna be able to close my eyes and feel alright
    But every day I feel like dying
    Every day I feel like dying
    (I'm not suicidal, I don't wanna fucking die)
    (I just wanna be able to close my eyes and feel alright)
    (But every day I feel like dying)
    (Every day I feel like dying)

  8. Enemy says:

    I'm not depressed, i'm not suicidal, i don't wanna die but sometimes i just feel like dying (luckily only 0 – 5 times in a month)

  9. sahil sharma says:

    my dear he is our father real father.. Only he can save us but before it we have to do medication for him to be pleasent to him.. In which universe we r living Devil is father of this universe he is so brutel only God can save us from him thr universe of God is 160000000000000000000000 kms away from earth.. The speed of light is 10x8square ts per second means 300000 lakhs kilometre per second we can not go there without the help of God.. There every people is immortal nobody dies there, nobody can I'll, nobody can aged, everyone is young forever… Yes we can go there but the meditation which is mentioned in Gyan Ganga book pdf download from google . Or listen in earth where we r living or look out this devil black universe sex, rape, flood, diseases, corona, aids, assault arm, robbery, theft, fights, racism, drugs addiction, smugling, prison, money problem, police case, accident, what is this ❓ this is tottaly hell.. We r not living on God place we r living in devil prison universe… We dead here and re birth.. Again and again not only in human body also in the animals body fish dog lion shark frog snake bla bla bla.. Nearly 8 million types of body we have to be survive.. But if we get the God we can escape from this devils universe in real granted

  10. Mal Sawmi says:

    i wish i was never born
    only pain n suffering socity only notice our mistakes n what we did wrong but never notice our goodness even now i feel like my family dont like:(

  11. M. says:

    i want to die,i'm already dead inside but i want to stay to see the world burn and the people that made me low suffer.i'm going to live long enough to see the world shatter to my feet

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