Judas Priest – Rock Forever Lyrics – New Today Lyrics

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View Judas Priest – Rock Forever Lyrics | Lyrics of new songs.

When the day is over
I like to ease my mind
By jucin’ up my system
With the beat of a heavy kind

I smack a bottle open
I crank the hi-fi high
I’m in-a seventh heaven
Ooh, I can touch the sky

I’m in love, so in love
And I can’t stop talking ’bout my rock forever

It’s got the movin’ to me
Just that I can’t explain
It’s like a brilliant sunshine
After standing in the pouring rain

My skin begins to tingle
Ooh, right on down my back
It’s really got me fevered
Pounding my senses flat

I’m in love, so in love
And I can’t stop talking ’bout my rock forever

Rock rock rock forever, I love it
Rock rock rock forever, my fever
Rock rock rock forever, always gonna
Rock rock rock forever
I can’t stop talkin’ about
Now get it right, boys

So when you get those blue days
Here’s just what to do
Switch into this lifeline
And feel it rushing through

Before you know it, blue days
Are better left behind
By juicin’ up your system
With this beat of a heavy kind

I’m in love, so in love
And I can’t stop talking ’bout my
Rock forever Rock forever
I’m gonna rock forever.

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