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Lauren Daigle ~ Everything (Lyrics)

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🕇 “…apart from You I have no good thing”

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[Verse 1] Even the sparrow has a place to lay its head
So why would I let worries steal my breath
Even the roses, You have clothed in brilliant red
Still I’m the one You love more than this

[Chorus 1] You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

[Verse 2] Even the oceans push and pull at Your command
So You can still my heart with Your hand
You tell the seasons when it’s time for them to turn
So I will trust You, even when it hurts

[Chorus 2] You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

[Bridge] When I can’t see, You lead me
When I can’t hear, You show me
When I can’t stand, You carry me
When I’m lost, You will find me
When I’m weak, You are mighty
You are everything I need

[Chorus 3] You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

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40 thoughts on “Lauren Daigle ~ Everything (Lyrics) – Lyrics new.

  1. Rozann De Lange says:

    Om die bybel te leer is net soos om n liedjie te leer, as jy die liedjie oor en oor luister dan kan jy dit uit jou kop uit sing, en dis net soo met die bybel as jy dit heeltyd oor en oor lees dan gaan jy na n tyd kan uit jou kop uit sé,


    To learn the bible is like to learn a song, if you listen to the song over and over again than you can sing it out of you head on your own, it is the same with the bible if you read the bible over and over again you are going to read it without needing the bible
    Because the word is stored in your heart

  2. Mia Rodriguez says:

    Hello guys…how can't like this music?..I love it … it's beautiful music…God give us everything…and this everything is your love for us…from Brazil….

  3. M R says:

    I was asked one time from a ordained Minister, "you like that sobbing slow music don't you"? I said yes I like it when the Spirit of God moves spontaneous rather than trying to drum up the Spirit with that fast beat heavy pounding on the piano as you and most in the Church does. The Spirit needs to move and the love of the Lord is Spontaneous not drummed up, or stirred up. See I sing in Church and I sing Love songs as this to Jesus and I want love to be spontaneous and not drummed, beat up with that fast beat heavy pounding music. The Bride of Christ she tells the rest of the body of Christ not to stir up love. Apostle Paul tells us in a mystery that Eve was taken out of Adam's body. A rib closest to the heart. Not Adam's whole body was made a wife, only a rib portion. Just as the body of Christ, only a rib portion will become a Bride the rest of the saints are her adornment at the wedding and they serve. But Paul espoused the whole Church as chase virgin unto Christ as His Bride, but all God's people don't take that place that is offered to them. They either take up other headships, or chase after the world and her affairs etc. Its up to us if we desire that place to rule and reign with Christ on His throne as His bride. The Daughters of Jerusalem are representative of those that choose not to make Jesus as their Husband, they flirt with the world, or take other husbands, but they are still in the body of Christ. Song of Solomon 2:6-7 (KJV) His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me. I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.

  4. WiseAlex the Gamer says:

    This song speaks to me – reminding me that I shld Trust God esp as I watch my brother suffer so much from Covid God I trust that You will heal him coz You give me Everything ! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  5. Louise Aslinger says:

    This is a great song to bad you all don't know she is not a Christian i know you don't want believe this send me a message and i well send you proof where she sayed it out of her own mouth

  6. Claire Foster says:

    I chose not to think of this as about God, but actually listening to it, it respresents the love I have for my husband, and the love he has for me. He gives me everything. ❤️

  7. Gary Mutascio says:


  8. Gemlikeajewel shehorn says:


    Even the sparrow has a place to lay its head
    So why would I let worry steal my breath
    Even the roses, You have clothed in brilliant red
    Still I'm the one You love more than this

    You give me everything
    You give me everything
    You give me everything I need

    Even the oceans push and pull at Your command
    So You can still my heart with Your hand
    You tell the seasons when it's time for them to turn
    So I will trust You even when it hurts

    You give me everything
    You give me everything
    You give me everything I need
    You give me everything
    You give me everything
    You give me everything I need

    When I can't see, You lead me
    When I can't hear, You show me
    When I can't stand, You carry me
    When I'm lost, You will find me
    When I'm weak, You are mighty
    You are everything I need

    You give me everything
    You give me everything
    You give me everything I need
    You give me everything
    You give me everything
    You give me everything I need

  9. pvc chimuti says:

    I have played this song many times today and I feel at is not easy without everything from God .Jesus thank you for everything even when I am not well.i still thank you cause I know u are in control.

  10. anthony espinoza says:

    I will be in church every Sunday, doing what ever you want me to help out in the church, I pray that you would touch the doctor's hands to help me get better, so that I can see my kids and there kids grow up to be good people in this world, amen

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