Lời bài hát Come Over | Lyrics bản nhạc mới cập nhật tại đây.

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Lời bài hát Come Over mới ra mắt tại đây.

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Bài hát: Come Over – Dagny

I keep going back to when I laid eyes on you
‘Cause ever since then you’ve been on my mind
You gave me that look and suddenly I felt new
Now I’m watching my phone late in to the night
But it’s been days, I hate to wait
I guess that we’re both too shy to call up
I wish you would speak your mind
And tell me that you also want me closer
‘Cause baby, when I think about you, I come alive

[Chorus 1]You should come over
Let me get to know you
I’m picturing you when the light hits your face in the morning
Yeah, I need to know you
You should come over

[Verse 2]There’s not a moment I don’t want to talk to ya
There’s so many things that I wanna know
Like your favourite place, your favourite song
And all of the secrets that nobody knows
Let it all be uncovered
So tell me why we’re wasting time
We both know we want to get in closer
’Cause baby, when I think about you, I come alive

[Chorus 1]You should come over
Let me get to know you
I’m picturing you when the light hits your face in the morning
Yeah, I need to know you
You should come over

[Chorus 2]You should come over
Stay as long as you wanna
With the sun on your skin as I’m taking you in for a moment
Yeah I need to know you
You should come over

[Bridge]I know we got busy schedules
I know we got busy minds
So why don’t we just ease each other?
Get lost in me, I’ll get lost in you
‘Cause baby, when I think about you, I come alive

[Chorus 2]You should come over
Stay as long as you wanna
With the sun on your skin as I’m taking you in for a moment
Yeah, I need to know you
You should come over
You should come over
Stay as long as you wanna
With the sun on your skin as I’m taking you in for a moment
Yeah, I need to know you
You should come over

Trên là toàn bộ thông tin về Lời bài hát Come Over mà bạn cần tìm rồi nhé. Xemloibaihat.com chúc bạn tìm được lời bản nhạc theo ý muốn của mình nha.

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Lời bài hát Come Over

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