Lyrics Blindspotting – Ashley Rose’s Hotel Verse | New Today Lyrics

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Blindspotting – Ashley Rose’s Hotel Verse
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I hate the rich!

Paid up, hacked the system like a data glitch
Razor slit on the Laymar’s wrist

And here come the high end legal defense
While we sit and rot they rest and reset
Recoup whatever they invest and debt proof bag the loot and live recess
And I’m on the stoop splitting thin checks
House a big mess payin thick rent and breakin my neck to appease some trust fund princеss!?

Why y’all get to live so free?
Why s**t only happen to mе!
Why s**t only happen to me!

No! No!

You pay check to a rental
You fix some s**t you didn’t break
You pay for other n****rs mistakes!
You tell your son why his daddy went upstate!

You have money disappear from the bank
And you explain to your family
Why your s**t stank!
Why the s**t breaks!
Why some s**t breaks! 

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Blindspotting – Ashley Rose’s Hotel Verse
lyrics that you need to find.

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Blindspotting – Ashley Rose’s Hotel Verse

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