Lyrics Chaos Network – Incoming: Otaku Bars 1.5 | New Today Lyrics

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Karl Terrell Thomas Jr. (born July 26th, 1995), better known by his stage name and title Chaos Network, Otaku Rapper of Chicago (or simply Chaos) is an American Rapper, songwriter, executive producer, and entrepreneur from Chicago, Illinois. He is best known for his song “Crossing the Fields,” a song which sampled the iconic theme song “Crossing Field,” sung by famous Anime song singer LiSA, and used as the 1st opening theme song of the hit Anime TV series “Sword Art Online.“ The song has acquired over 10k views on YouTube.

Chaos Network makes “Anime and Otaku Rap music,” rap music about and/or inspired by Anime and the culture behind Anime known as “Otaku,” people who turn their passions into their lifestyles. His songs are categorized as the umbrella genre “Otaku Rap,” with its major subgenre being “Anime Rap.” Each subgenre has its own distinct sound and lyrical content, making for a wide variety of creative music.

Chaos has appeared as an official guest at Christopher Newport University’s Kigacon, in Newport News, Virginia and a guest performer at Anime Magic! In Schaumburg, Illinois. He has been a panelist on numerous occasions at Anime Conventions including Anime Central, Anime Midwest, Con Alt Del, Uchi-con in Chicago, Illinois, and has performed at events for colleges and universities such as DeVry University, SAE Institute, Columbia College, and DePaul University, also in Chicago.

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