Lyrics Foothandbird – Gospel | New Today Lyrics

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Foothandbird – Gospel
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Foothandbird – Gospel
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Verse 1: The Church of foothandbird
Oh lord
How excellent
How excellent
How excellent
How excellent
Is thy name
Oh lord
How excellent
How excellent
How excellent
How excellent

Chorus 1: Foothandbird
Jesus save our souls
Jesus help us now
Jesus come again
Jesus stay alive
Jesus stay here
Jesus dont leave

Verse 2: The Church of foothandbird
Is thy name
There is nonе like you
None like you
Nonе like you
Jesus excellent
Is thy name
There is none like you

Chorus 2: Foothandbird
Jesus save our souls
Jesus help us now
Jesus come again
Jesus stay alive
Jesus stay here
Jesus dont leave

Verse 3: The Church of foothandbird
None like you
None like you
Jesus excellent
Is thy name
In all earth
In all earth
In all earth
In all earth
Jesus excellent
Is thy name

Chorus 3: Foothandbird
Jesus save our souls
Jesus help us now
Jesus come again
Jesus stay alive
Jesus stay here
Jesus dont leave

Verse 4: The Church of Foothandbird
In all earth
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
Jesus excellent
Is thy name
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
In all earth (in all earth)
Jesus excellent

Chorus 4: Foothandbird
Jesus save our souls
Jesus help us now
Jesus come again
Jesus stay alive
Jesus stay here
Jesus dont leave

Verse 5: The Church of foothandbird
Is thy name
Is thy name

Chorus Outro: Foothandbird
Jesus save our souls
Jesus help us now
Jesus come again
Jesus stay alive
Jesus’ stay here
Jesus dont leave
Jesus is our lord and savior and we will respect him and he is our lord
We will bound down to jesus and ever
Satan is bad bound down to our lord and savior jesus
Jesus isnt bad, jesus is good
Meep meep 

More Foothandbird lyrics

Foothandbird – Gospel | Lyrics
Verse 1: The Church of foothandbird Oh lord How excellent How excellent How excellent How excellent Is thy name Oh lord How excellent How

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2 dicks in my ass yeah 2 dicks in my ass My dad left and he went real fast That isnt cool oh my god I got 2 licks, i got 2 bitches Uhh yeah Bih Bih

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