Lyrics LITTLE REDFOX – Rewind | New Today Lyrics

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View lyrics LITTLE REDFOX – Rewind | Lyrics of new songs.

One rock in the ocean
Watch the target lines
While the world was crumbling
Stretching farther and farther between us

Saw the ghosts of you and me
Slow dancing
They haunt me in my dreams

If we could rewind
If we could turn back time
Give ourselves one more night
Would you just rewind
And take us back to the time
Sleepwalking side by side

Waking up in a new bed
Can’t tell the time
How’s the beating in their chest
I bet you wish it were mine

Is this what you pictured
In your head
How this would end
So much unsaid

If we could rewind
If we could turn back time
Give ourselves one more night
Would you just rewind
And take us back to the time
Sleepwalking side by side

If we could rewind
If we could turn back time
Give ourselves one more night
Would you just rewind
And take us back to the time
Sleepwalking side by side

If we could rewind
Sunday mornings you and I
If we could rewind
In the blink of an eye
Could that be our last goodbye 


LITTLE REDFOX – Human | Lyrics
Bad taste in my mouth You left it there I have all my love You gave mixed messages Threw the bottle away Hope it sinks real deep I’m over restless nights

LITTLE REDFOX – Rewind | Lyrics
One rock in the ocean Watch the target lines While the world was crumbling Stretching farther and farther between us Saw the ghosts of you and me Slow dancing They

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